College and twenty-somethings, 18-24 years of age; post high school, before college or in a college gap-year, or immediately after finishing at the university level.
Annually, August through May. Applications must be submitted before August 10th.
Because you’ve never felt average. Deep inside, you don’t fit the status quo. There’s a yearning in you to do great things, to experience depths of relationship you never thought were possible, to reach out to a generation dying to live, and knowing the LIFE – becoming prepared to lay down your selfish interest for those that are gloriously HIS, to encounter the Living God and His plans for this generation. Let the adventure of a revolutionary life begin!
A full time one year leadership development institute where you will plug into God, plug into community, and begin to understand your design and the part you’ve been given to play in the BIG story of God.
- All personal items, bedding and towels (laundry facilities in house)
- Laptop equipped with internet and document capabilities
- Backpacking pack – recommended 2500-5000 cubic inches
- Personal vehicle
- Budgeted money for gas and personal expenses (recommended $100-$200/mo)
- Any additional items that may allow you to enjoy Colorado (i.e. snowboard, bike, rock climbing gear, etc.)
*A comprehensive packing list will be sent at time of application and acceptance.
The crux of Rev5 is our community-life. Each day we work out together, eat together, learn together and go on adventures together. Your student will become intimately known and integrated into our community, just as a family knows, loves and serves one another.
Nestled against the Pikes Peak foothills in the beautiful city of Colorado Springs, Colorado. One of the most breathtaking places in the United States, you’ll love the grandeur of the mountains, the inspiration of the morning sunrises and chance to turn the Rocky Mountains into an almost infinite playgound! From physical training at the school, to white water rafting, hiking and packing through the mountains, canyoneering in some of the greatest locations on earth, and maybe even a few special surprises, we’ll use the area in which we live to learn and encounter the truths of God’s Word reflected all around us.
There are no substances allowed during the Rev5 program (this includes visits home). Because we highly value the time of our students and require their full concentration, no dating and other “friendlationships” are also not allowed. We also limit the media and entertainment intake to protect the minds and hearts of our students.
Our school is broken up into four learning modules: family, church, workplace and government. Each module builds on the next to help form a solid identity in Christ, a competence to influence others in any environment and character and courage to live and lead like Christ.
You will live in a community-style residence with other students and staff, one street over from the Old Colorado City district downtown. Blocks from coffee shops, Red Rocks Open Space, the famed Garden of the Gods, numerous parks, and even ski resorts within a couple of hours drive. Room and board, all classes, fees, books, and trips that are taken within the 9 months of the school are covered in the annual tuition of $15,000. Students will cover their own personal expenses (eating out, car care, non-school entertainment, etc.). All payments and contributions can be made out to “Revolution Five” and sent to: Revolution Five, PO Box 6473, Colorado Springs, CO. 80934
The mission of Revolution Five is to disciple, train and develop college and twenty-somethings to love God, love people and lead with purpose and persuasion in every sphere of society.
Some of the phrases above are questions that a graduating senior typically is asking themselves. Recently, an option known as the “gap year” has been presenting itself to students on their way to college. The idea is that, after completing their senior year of high school, students take two semesters off prior to beginning college. These semesters are then spent exploring and applying themselves in internships, working for pay, traveling, missions trips or classes specific to their interests. Based on an article in TIME news: “Bob Clagett, a former director of admissions at Middlebury College, says taking a gap year can help students gain a renewed focus on academics. 'By stepping off the treadmill, they frequently remind themselves of what their education is all about,' he says. 'They kind of reinvent themselves.' He’s done research to back up the claim. At Middlebury, students who took gap years were found to have higher GPAs than those who didn’t, even when controlling for things like wealth and high school achievement. A study at the University of North Carolina yielded similar results.”
This isn’t your typical no-plan slacker route. It’s a growing trend recommended by Ivy League schools. Dartmouth “fully supports students taking a gap year to travel, work, or pursue other interests.” And Harvard College “encourages admitted students to defer enrollment for one year to travel, pursue a special project or activity, work, or spend time in another meaningful way.” Because they know that the drop-out rate is lower for students that take time to develop themselves. Students and parents alike are discovering that this extra time in between high school and college helps clarify passions which are the motivators behind selecting a major. An incoming college student who knows who he or she is will make a better decision on their education path, as most likely in future moral dilemmas as well.
Revolution Five Leadership Institute believes that God intimately knows and loves these college and twenty-something students; and that He has a plan and purpose for their lives — to love God, love others and lead with purpose and persuasion in every sphere of society. When a student attends Revolution Five Leadership Institute, they dig deep, are thoroughly inspired and challenged and come face to face with their creator, who is actively pursuing them.Rev5’s high staff-to-student ratio, hands-on learning style coupled with outdoor adventures, such as backpacking, canyoneering and snowshoeing, give our students a personalized, life-changing experience that is unlike any other.