I know I was Made for More

more than

just average

the rat race

good enough

this world

Every person on the planet is looking for three things - a cause greater than themselves to live for, a sacrifice worthy of their lives, and a band of brothers and sisters to run with.

The Mission of Jesus
Hands-on, experiential teaching useful for every career and ministry. 
Laying down your life
Jesus taught on mountaintops and sought The Father in the wilderness –– we do the same. 
A fellowship of burning hearts
Jesus made disciples life-on-life and we follow His example of intentional, deep discipleship.  
Revolution Five LEADERSHIP Academy
We are a life-on-life discipleship program that prepares Christ-centered leaders for service in every sphere of society.
We also offer retreats for high school, junior high, and more. 
gap yeargap year
gap year missionsgap year missions
Christian gap yearChristian gap year
Make college count

& Revolution Five

Jesus taught that before we can become the salt and light of the world we must first undergo a revolution of the heart. Our goal at Rev5 is for students to not only succeed in college but to ultimately be salt and light on their campuses and future places of work.
collage gap yearcollage gap year
gap yeargap year
Many Christian Young Adults:
  • are aimless through college 
  • become cynical of the church 
  • feel alone in following Jesus 
  • drift into disengaged Christianity 
  • are unsure of what to do next
Our Mission
We disciple, train, and develop college-age young adults to love God, love people and lead with purpose & persuasion in every sphere of society.
the world needs

More Than a Diploma 

Revolution Five graduates gain the soft skills needed for today's workforce, and the Biblical and character training to be a light in the darkness. 
Emotional Intelligence
Strong Work Ethic
Growth Mindset
Openness to Feedback
Active Listening
Team Player Attitude
rev 5 leaders
Esther Lohner
Esther Lohner 
Class of 2011
"Life-changing is an understatement. God has completely transformed my heart this last year." 
christian leadership
Conor Craft
Class of 2011
"My daily life and ministry are only what they are today because of my years at Rev5." 
REVolution five

Know God &
know who you are.